Tomorrow, ladies and gentlemen, I will be at The Tribeca Film Festival Family Street Fair. I shall be talking to young ones on the subject of self esteem. You'll find me on Greenwhich and Hubert on the Franklin Stage at 2pm. So bring yourself and your questions and I hope I will have all the right answers for you. And after have a look at Modelinia's Booth, they've got a lot of cool things to check out.
See you tomorrow!!
That's so sweet of you to teach them about self-esteem.
i wish i could be there;D
u're gr8 role-model;)))
Have fun! Wish I could be there.
megan http://mallratcouture.blogspot.com
aww have fun wish i was there! by the way you are a phenominal model miss coco!
this is why you are my favourite model - not only are you beautiful and great at your job, but you are an awesome person.
wish I could come!
Desperately wish I could be there!!!
if only I could be there // unfortunately I'm from turkey so I'm in turkey
check out my blog :)
I wish I would be there!
Have fun!
Oh that's where I'd like to be. But wow, you really impress me, being not only a model but also a role-model. That's something.
oh! i'd love beeing there, but i live in spain, so it's kind of difficult.
i hope you have some fun =)
Ahh I would like to be there but I live so far !....Paris.....
Have fun Coco ! ;)
Big kisses from tFS
Can't come. Ocean apart.
Will there be highlight clips?
I would be loving to be there but sadly I am from india and so i will be being in india.
Jai HO!
We are in hawaii!!!!
I'm her mom!
No... she's not.
wish I was there... but I can't come.. aww!
oh my God!That many followers! :)
Pretty blog,look at my blog
how cool and nice to teach kids about self-esteem, wish I could be there ur such a great role moel, who better to learn self esteem from than u coco!
ahh, thats sooo sweet, wish I could be there!
ah I live on greenwich street, around the corner. I was out and about but didnt see you!
It's so great that you're doing this, Coco! I can't be there but I wish you luck with your spiel!
It's so great that you're doing this, Coco. Your videos on Modelina are my FAVOURITE ones. xoxo
it's times like these i wish i lived in NYC instead of Toronto. ah well.
I like your joining here. This mean
that you are very active and interesting person. Needlees to say, i am impressed from your video in modelinia. You were been very sweet and sexy, particularly your dancing.
Why did they invite you to talk about self esteem?
Sounds like such a great time!
I know you will be inspirational & lovely!
I love you and your blog coco!
I hope you had a great weekend. Cheers!
we can't wait to see your Met pictures!! please post soon!
cool stuff babe.respect.
how was it?would loved to be there.
ps you are beyond stunning.word.
you make us Canadians so proud <3
Saw you in the new Vogue issue. Too bad they didn't focus more on you.
sounds exciting!! =D
I think allmost everyone wants to be there! Great photo!
Step in the spotlight http://stepinthespotlight.blogspot.com
Too late I missed it!
Gosh, they would have had to drag me away from you in handcuffs!
Sales of Icecream?
Why did they have you talk about sales of icecream?
coco you look soo different here..
nice meeting you though
and i have no idea who that girl is in the middle
If I only could come!
wish i was there.
lab u COCO!
just spam.........
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