
Prep Work.

The Met Ball is Monday and I'm terribly nervous. But I think I will be alright because I've got Issac Mizrahi to take care of me. I'm going to his studio tomorrow to finalize what dress I'll be wearing and then I'm off to Fekkai's Salon to see what we can do with hair for the special night.     Who knew so much effort was put into looking good for one evening!! That's alright what girl wouldn't like to be Cinderella for the night?!


Celine said...

good luck...

i'm sure you'll make isaac look good!

amy said...

You are so lucky! You really are living the life. The life that so many dreams, and day dreaming are made of. You are beautiful. And unique, and I am so proud that you are also Canadian!

Best wishes Coco!!

xoxoxo love always
hope to hear from you!!

Anonymous said...

I know you'll be the prettiest little lady there, by far.

It's me, Ollie! said...

You're one lucky gal.

Andres espinosa said...

Good like, u'll be amazing, as always. please put a photo of the event, we all want to see how georgeous u will look.

love u.

Anonymous said...

U Will Be Fine & Looking Lovely As Usual!!!

Ohhh Coco.

Unknown said...

you've got this, Coco!

Anonymous said...

Good luck :D

Anne said...

good luck Coco, you'll be perfectly fine! awesome blogging!

Arianna said...

oooh i'm so jealous, that'll be incredible!! have an amazing time Cinderella! You have no idea how lucky you are.. or maybe you do :)

Victoria said...

Oh dont worry,I´m sure you will look awesome,you always do!

Makeda said...

Coco can you snap some pics from the Met Gala?

What are you going to be wearing>

Anonymous said...

Is there someone you're looking forward to meet at this ball?
Do you know who will be the others guests at your table?
xxx from Chile

Anonymous said...

good luck girl! you'll be amazing, i'm sure!

Jaime said...

Good luck! I'm sure you'll look great like you always do :)

TheBeautyFile said...

Love Isaac...he's a laugh riot!! Your hair is insanely beautiful...can't wait to see pics of it at the ball! Don't let your ride turn into a pumpkin at midnight though!

Steve in Montreal said...

Please say hi to Natasha Poly for me. Thanks

Coco-Fan♥ said...

don't get nervous if you're nervous maybe just maybe everything will go wrong so relax!! and have fun

Anonymous said...

Can I come?

Let me be your crutch.

Unknown said...

Good luck!!! i bet you dazzle them all!
come and visit http://nita-karoliina.blogspot.com/

Kaede Liddell said...

Good luck Coco :D

Don't worry, you will be amazing!

*You can believe to me?
I dramed that I knew you ^^


Anonymous said...

Soo... what are you nervous about, if you're not doing your own hair and make-up? I mean, Mizrahi, he knows his shit.

sisters in black frocks said...

lucky lucky girl!

Adrianna Traxler said...

Dont be nervous.

I envy your life lol. My two dreams are to be part of fashion week and go to the costume gala

Anonymous said...

Oh so coco,come on!Everthing will be okay.

Anonymous said...

Ooh Fekkai makes some great hair products AND they're not tested on animals :D


hi Coco,
I've been reading yr blog and website yesterday and I decided to work on a 3d character that is inspired by you.

I wonder if you are keen to have a look :


work entitled : SUPERMODEL SERIES 31.

Please kindly gimme yr comments should you visit it. thanks Coco

Paoletta said...

Hi Coco! My name's Paola, and I'm 14. I dream to become a supermodel, like you, but being myself, of course! This summer I went to your mother agency, Elite Model Management in Toronto. The casting director was so kind and I remember that there was an your photo with your autograph!!! How cool! Besos!!

Anonymous said...


ray said...

gurl dont be worried at all of course i will sound like the other hundred ladies hittin you up but seriously rock it your the baby doll of the fashion world right now with everyone loving your cute face!

and its been said your wearing head-to-toe bally correct??

how the hell can you go wrong with that

have the best time because WE ALL are totally trying to live it through you


ray said...
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frau meier said...

my necklace is from h&m, 2 years ago. And the short one is selfmade :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I can't make it with you Monday - that's my checkers night.

The Vintage Scene said...

Will there be photos? And what will you be wearing?

Janessa Calma said...

Coco you don't have to! :]]

Anonymous said...

0_o !!!!!!