I was just in Toronto to record the voice over for my 1 hour special with E, which only took about 14 hrs to do. It was so weird. I'm not used to
exaggerating my voice but
that's what they like for t.v. A few times we had to stop because I had what they called "Marble Mouth." It's when you're not making sense anymore and you're slurring words
together. When I was
finished I felt like I was still
exaggerating everything. I don't know how
announcers do it. I mean they must sound like that 24/7.
Haha! yeah I often think newsreaders must constantly speak with that exaggeration on their pronounciation, which I think would seem weird in real life! I love your red hair so much!
ooh, can't wait to see your spot on E!
i second what gwendolyn said: your hair is amazing in this color. ever time i see it, i contemplate it for myself, but i think i should leave it to you!!
Can't wait to watch! x
TGIF - I just got home too.
Would you like to have someone to share the weekend with?
Me too.
they want you to exaggerate EVERYTHING ..pronounce your T's. How crazy that it takes so long too ...for an hour spot. Your hair looks ravishing!
hahaha wow... i totally have marble mouth 24/7. The downside of speaking too fast.
Is there really an upside?
waw. so cool :) i can't wait to hear it !
i like how can you see the reflection of your friend with the camera in the pictures. it looks kinda cool.
i would hate to exaggerate my voice. there's a fine line between sounding like a tool, and... not. lol. though you could never sound like a tool so i'm sure the voice over is just bon-diggity
I can't wai to see/hear it, you did awesome and will be amazing whatever you do Coco!
poor thing!
i bet it was all worth it!
omg, you were in Toronto?!
haha exagerrating words is so weird... i get forced to do it all the time for musicals >< it must be so interesting to do a voiceover! haha
xx, Geri
hahah really? that's funny. if i ever watch it i'll know how long you spent making it!
p.s you looked so great at the met!
it must be so funny! i've always wanted to do something like that.
have a nice weekend =)
Wow, I can't wait to watch this Coco! Btw you looked awesome at the MET ball =)
Be yourself.
Marble mouth, I have this alot. This probably has alot to do with alcohol though. Hmm.
Still loving the red hair, serious hotness. Literally.
MM x
your hairs amazing xxx
Just stumbled upon this blog and it put a pleasant bounce in my day! Keep doing your thing Coco -- and keep reppin' the 604!
Im sure you sing beautiful Coco I hope you enjoy I know how to sing to but Im afraid people will laugh at me! Help me
Love You
Coco Rocha Fan
I'm interested to hear this. However, i will focus in your appearance here. Your beautiful hair in combination with cool style, it's very appealing to me.
Ahahah Coco at Work !! you look very busy! lol :p
Big kisses from Paris and tFS !
Omg!! A model who draws, plays soccer every Sunday, does her own hair and makeup, speaks to kids about self esteem AND does 14 hour voice overs!?!? Amazing!!!!!!
I bet you can't tell bedtime stories though...
Can you?
wooaw! i lov your hair!
kisses from Poland !!!!
That is soo cool
Coco, you're amazing ;)
Thanks! and your hair is so beautiful!
Interesting experience!
I think that sometimes you have to exaggerated your voice in that kind of situations
Moreover you voice is always nice ^^
i love you coco...you so cute...
i'm your fan from Indonesia. love you so much...
i can't wait to watch...
new hair color?
that's so cool ! and i love your hair in these photos .
can't hardly to see ;)
Well, Can't wait to see/hear it.
Exaggerate everything! so u could point their point. bahaha :]
Exaggerate everything! so u could point their point. bahaha :]
You look so great!! I looooove your red hair!
Your hair colour is amazing!!
ur hair is so long:)
i love it
1. your hair is amazing. you've heard that before, right?
2. just discovered your blog, and i think it's a real treat.
Wow, how fascinating. I had no idea they made you do voice overs for TV !!!!
Coco, you have a blog? Really? I am a bit in shock. Fabulous!
So Cool!!!!!!!
Can't wait to watch
good luck :D
to become deaf
your hair are gorgeous!! And just discover ur blog and i love it!
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