
Instead of me showing you pictures of me at the American Ballet Gala I thought I'd show you what happens after the glamours events. 


Unknown said...

hu? is that a macdo?

Anonymous said...

Hahahha is that PopBurger??? Looking tres chic Coco!!!

Victoria said...

Oh my god Coco you look awesome! That dress is just stunning!

Robbie J said...

Hahaha! This is awsome!

Anonymous said...

My Gog I loooove !

"A princess with her friend After Party ."

Loves you for long long long time :)

Co *

between peace and happiness said...


Lucy said...

I love this photo.
Really, better than any "official" one.
Lucy =)

Anonymous said...

mexican food? that is my favorite post-event food!! greasey/cheesey is best, especially if you tried to (not)eat well all day long!!

oh yeah, you look AMAZING, even from the back!

Denisa L said...


maike said...

your hair looks so beautiful!

pilarin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pilarin said...

Please Coco keep posting this kind of photos! XD

Marta Bartkowiak said...

ahaha coco you totally rock!
kisses from poland :)

Anonymous said...

hahaha, i think you should let us all know what fast food joint you're at in the picture, to save the greatly diverging guesses. so far we got macdo, PopBurger, and mexican (?).
anyways, i looked up pictures of you from that night, and you looked absolutely stunning!! the dress you were wearing especially was so beautiful, and that colour combined with your red locks... amazing.

Kaede Liddell said...

what type of food was?

even so you are perfect!


Kaede Liddell said...

*and I love your hair!! *.*

Gilda Dmyuv said...

You are simple the best ;)


MAGDArling said...

love the pic;D and the dress is gorgeus and u're hair, everything;))) just stunning gitl;***

Emz said...

Fantastic! Haha, I love your dress AND the fact that you're wearing that dress in a fast food store! It's like the time Carrie wore a pink dress into McDonalds in Sex and the City!

Kate said...

I love this picture (:

Monica said...

Looks fun. Hope you enjoyed it.

Coco-Fan♥ said...

I think you look wonderful in that blue dress you have

Coco Rocha Fan

noiamnot said...

So funny..so elegant and going to a fast food restaurant...

Anonymous said...

very glamours...... 0_o

It's me, Ollie! said...


Anonymous said...

Heh, pretty funny.*lol

Great blog, keep it my lady.*^_-

melle poe said...

you always look so amazing...
i would pay to see you appear in a fast food wearing a red carpet dress !

Anonymous said...

oh bless xx

en said...

love it!

BCBT said...


JULIA said...

ahaha, this is acctually pretty funny :) stellar dress, its a gorgeous colour with your hair.

and you're right, that is quite glamorous :)

Celine said...


Get it gurl!!!

thats so ghetto tech!!!

Anonymous said...


No Coke - Pepsi

Amy said...

I LOVE YOUR HAIR. and the dress

CAROLINE. said...

Hah, and people say models don't eat. Fast food's just as glamorous.

Anonymous said...

this is what we call glamourous!


Anne said...

that dress is stunning on you

Hardini said...

hahaha love :)

Anonymous said...

that is a beautiful dress, coco.

That fast food restaurant makes my stomach turn, tho!

Fashioncholic Girl said...

whoa !!! I love the dress :D


Geri Wu said...

hahah i love it!

xx, Geri

Emilie said...

wonderfull dress !!!!^^

TheBeautyFile said...

SO fun!! You guys were definitely the most glamorous customers of the night!

Camila said...

hahahaha, that's so funny!
there must be real fun to attend two well dressed girls in a fast-food restaurant
i loved your gown btw
cami :)

Anonymous said...

beautiful hear

Anonymous said...

très chic Coco!!

Anonymous said...

It was NY Burger Company...they have fabulous grilled chicken sandwiches with fresh avocado, too!


Victoria said...

haha love it

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha who took this? Paparazzi?? I bet he was handsome!!! and not gay!!!

Takara said...

You look stunning!!!

Mariona said...


electric feel said...

the dress.....love it!

human afterall said...

Did they give you extra bite? :)

Tereza Š. said...

hehe, I think you are the most chic girl who ever stepped into fastfood :)

Lefteris said...

Appearance like this, stimulate me immediately and i would like to see you on a date.

Anonymous said...

stimulate me immediately??

The heck?!


Julia said...

Haha I love that after a glamorous gala you went to get fast food!! Your hair is amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

coco, i requested you on facebook but havent been accepted yet!

you, amongst taylor warren and a few others are my favorite models of the moment, and i love your blog. keep doing what your doing!

Katarina (bjooti. splodgy...crazy bloglady) said...

Your hair looks GORGEOUS!

misslikey said...

hilarious lol but you do not

Esmée said...

Love it! Champagne and frites after a great party..


Anonymous said...

Bisous de France.

truepenny said...

That's amazing!

By the way - your ensemble was definitely my favourite of the night. With your red hair...you looked like the little mermaid! Beautiful. And now you've earned even more points with me! ;)

JAE said...

love that colour and dress!

Dream Girl said...

OMG I hope u ddnt ruin ur beautiful dress ;)

Anonymous said...

I Luv!!!

COCO...I'M SO PROUD OF YOU HAVING SOMETHING GOOD TO GET EAT!!! OH, U'LL CAN GET CHECK MOTM: COCO B4 GALA: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1831400&op=2&o=all&view=all&subj=2225696757&aid=-1&oid=2225696757&id=713534542



Mi-Soon said...

Amazing :)


i love coco said...

omg mikhaila.......... u look soooo gr8 in your red hair.......... it suits u sooooooooo perfectly......... i love your style.........nyway do u like coco/ mikhaila??????

dalí said...

hahaha cool! in the most beauthiful dress you're going to something like a macdonalds. great! xxxxxx

SoleSista said...


Anonymous said...

AHAHAHA! this reminds me of the HIMYM ep where the wedding couple went to a fast food restaurant when they couldn't find food at their wedding :D

Rosa said...

oh your blog is fantastic realy amazinG!
exchange inks darling?

love lara

Mimi said...

haha thats so funny! those guys must have tought, What the hell?

Anonymous said...

Coco rocks the runway in Irish dancing style! Cool story and video

mia said...

wow, you guys look like fairies!


elo said...

haha love that !

Mads said...

aawww you are the best model!! fierce but so down to earth..=)


coin-operated ninja said...

hahahhahaha i love you coco!!!

An (ex) alien in new york said...

glad to see that's a universal behaviour, and not just what i do in my black tie.

Ser said...

I like how u are keeping it real, for someone of yr status :)

casual cutie said...

yo look so fabulous coco!!!

Jesiah said...

hahah i love it!

la parisina said...

hahaha that's what happens after glamourous parties??? my god... this shot is great.
(btw you were stunning at that party!)

andrea said...


Anonymous said...

the dress looks amazing with your hair colour, it really brings it out

Anonymous said...

This is why so many people fall in love by your persona. It's because you are real. Bless. You look amazing.

Noelle + Kendall said...

Hahah :] best picture ever. your dress is beautiful!

check out our blog, subscribe if you wanna?

Olviya said...

that looks really different, but so cool!

FELIX NINA said...

Haha, I never dress so chic when I am going to the snackbar! :) But you look nice!! Xoxo

Je suis blonde said...

I love this picture! You look gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

yes !! stop copy me !!! i am the real coco rocha !!!!!!!!! go to my bloger !!!!!

NicholeCamarillo.com said...

lol, this is great

louliedeparis said...

Good idea...hard back to reality no?

Chiang Mai said...

Looking sexy from the back. :)